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Kalmar’s sustainability work is based on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects of corporate sustainability. We aim to achieve a net-zero, circular value chain while delivering the industry's safest and most innovative offerings resulting in profitable business. At the same time, we are committed to fostering a harm-free, diverse, equitable and inclusive culture, grounded in high ethical business standards. These elements set the foundation to how business is done at Kalmar. 


Our key sustainability focus areas include:

  • climate
  • circularity
  • biodiversity
  • human rights
  • health and safety
  • diversity, equity and inclusion
  • responsible sourcing 
  • and business ethics.

These topics contribute to our most significant impacts on people, society and the environment, and we strive to minimise our negative impacts while maximising positive ones.


Climate and circularity are strongly embedded into our strategy process and our climate ambition is to be net-zero by 2045. We aim to lead the way in sustainable material handling around the world, with a strong focus on electrification across the equipment range, increasing lifetime value and maximising uptime through a global services network. Kalmar’s eco portfolio supports our commitment to be a 1.5°C company by highlighting the equipment, services and software that improve our customers’ sustainability and drive the transition to a low-carbon world. 

Our main biodiversity and ecosystem impacts descend from our supply chain and from the extraction of finite resources, mainly iron ore and scarce minerals. By driving our climate work and promoting the transitioning to a circular economy we simultaneously manage our negative impacts on biodiversity.

We are also aware that our business impacts people in all parts of the value chain: our employees, supplier employees as well as operators of our equipment, who are typically customer employees. Consequently, we are committed to continuously improve our human rights due diligence process, by identifying, addressing and remedying negative impacts on people. We always prioritise health and safety and do our utmost to ensure everyone can return home safely every day.  In addition, we ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all and strive for a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace.

Simultaneously,  as we conduct business in a complex global environment, our industry is exposed to many ethics and compliance risks. Therefore, we have strong practices for preventing, detecting and responding to potential misconduct, clear guidelines for ethical behaviour and robust channels for whistleblowing. With these efforts and our commitment to integrity, we can set the example for stakeholders throughout our value chain. Our responsible sourcing programme focuses on addressing sustainability risks in our entire supply chain, and we have strict ESG requirements for our suppliers.

Sustainability is at the core of our business, and presents significant business opportunities for Kalmar. Sustainability is a key enabler of Kalmar’s strategy, and it is integrated in our strategic pillars.


Read more about the different topics in our 2024 Sustainability Statement (page 53 of the Annual Report).


See Kalmar's sustainability policy here.