Health and safety is about people. It is about taking ownership and being proactive, taking the initiative in improving our working environment and the safety of locations where our solutions are used. We want to create safety rather than just prevent injuries. This means striving for improvement, enhancing not only safety, but also quality, productivity and satisfaction, all hand in hand. We are committed to do our utmost to ensure that everyone returns home safe every day.
Kalmar operates in an industry that presents high risks to personal safety, and the company continuously assesses its operations to identify, prevent and mitigate the risk of injuries and ill health, and to seize opportunities to improve safety. The health and safety of our employees is a fundamental element of our operations, and Kalmar is committed to provide a harm-free workplace where people are safe.
Our various locations – from an office environment to assembly facilities, service locations and various customer sites – pose different types of health and safety risks. Safety risks include occupational health and safety-related risks, personnel security risks, environmental risks, product safety risks, catastrophe risks (for example fire, explosion and natural phenomenon risks) and premise security risks. The main health and safety risks are associated with the manufacturing and services operations, as well as with the use of Kalmar’s equipment.
Kalmar has a proactive approach when it comes to health and safety and the company’s health and safety programmes, for example, include training, development of practices, audits and target follow-ups. Ensuring that Kalmar employees have the needed competencies, skills and tools to perform their job in the best possible way is essential to ensure a safe environment. Despite the precautions taken, various occupational safety and environmental risks may arise in Kalmar’s operations. In case of any incidents, Kalmar has a systematic approach to ensure effective investigations to prevent similar incidents from happening again.
In our daily operations, the ISO 45001 health and safety management system provides guidance on how to manage our safety impacts. Kalmar has taken precautions against safety risks in its manufacturing operations through policies and guidelines, training, certification principles, travel safety guidelines, rescue planning, and information security instructions. In 2024, the ISO 45001 certification coverage at Kalmar’s assembly sites and innovation centres was 100 percent.
To ensure the health and safety of people throughout our value chain, we have related requirements for our suppliers and other business partners. These requirements are described in detail in our Business Partner Code of Conduct.